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8 of the latest Google Algorithms that must be known so that the blog survives

Every effort is certainly made to maintain our website so that it continues to run as it should. We need a website that is likely to support online business activities. For example, buying and selling online, blogging activities, marketplace or online stores, news portals and others. Considering the importance of a blog for most people, of course, the first tips of course you should know what updates are made by Google. Do you know? Almost every day, Google releases an algorithm to rank on its search engine.

Each update is certainly very influential on the continuity of a blog. Maybe some of you are confused how to find out about Google algorithm changes. The most important thing we need to know at the same time includes penalties released in recent years. In general there are major algorithm updates and have a big impact on SERP. However, there are also those that are minor whose changes are not so pronounced for publishers. So, it can be said that the algorithm itself is often different from one another.

By studying the algorithm, of course, it will equip your knowledge to improve the performance of the blog. Apart from studying SEO, how to optimize SEO, and how to research keywords. Algorithm updates also affect how SEO works. So, inevitably you have to know the Google Algorithm and it must be known for good blog quality. Google itself continues to update on average once or even several times in one day. The aim is to maintain the quality of search results and can show useful results for searchers.

Well, do you want to know the updated algorithm this year? Come on, don't miss the information. Because we've discussed the importance of understanding the latest Google Algorithm updates. In this article discussion, a brief guide that is easy for you to understand about the 8 latest Google Algorithms this year will be described. This will be very helpful for bloggers to maximize the website and maintain competition ranking on the Google homepage. For more information, please see the explanation below.

8 of the latest Google Algorithms that are required to be known so that blogs survive


Google Panda was released on February 24, 2011. This algorithm focuses on evaluating websites based on the quality of the content. So this will allow high quality content pages to be appreciated and get the highest rank and vice versa. This Algorithm update is also based on how well the publisher does the optimization on their website.

This Google Panda trigger can be influenced by several factors, including low-quality content such as unpleasant to see and read, poorly formatted text, disturbing images, grammatical errors, inconclusive superficial content. Another thing is there is keyword stuffing, duplicate content or including plagiarism, and includes article spinning. How do you restore it?

The best way you can do is improve the quality of the content article and start repairing the damage. You can also try to double check on your website and delete content that has poor quality according to this algorithm. Bad content is meant to be content that contains duplicates, content that contains little and many repeated keywords or keyword stuffing.


Next is Google Penguin which was released on April 24, 2012. This algorithm has many similarities from the previous algorithm, Panda. However, this time Google focused more on evaluating websites for different factors from their profiles and links. In the update itself, backlinks can positively influence the device on the website, if something happens:
  • Placed on the page associated with your website.
  • Surrounded by content related to your linked page.
  • Show you as a reliable source.
  • Derived from various domains.
  • Links whose sources are not clear will have a negative impact on Google's ranking.

Penguin works automatically and gives a sign on your website because it is suspected that there are unnatural backlinks. Usually to handle the problem this time, the owner must send a request for review as a result, after clearing the backlink. The trigger for this Penguin Algorithm is influenced by the purchase of backlinks that violate Google's Webmaster guidelines, links have low quality, bad or meaningless keywords. How to handle it?

You only need to monitor each of your backlink growth and link profiles. After that, do a routine backlink scan with online software for further inspection. If you find a backlink of poor quality then you need to delete it and change the anchor text in your webpage.

Not long after Google Penguin was released, Google Hummingbird appeared a year later on August 22, 2013. Its main focus was to fight against keyword stuffing and low article quality. Thus the visitors will be directed to a more accurate webpage. In addition, natural language processing also depends on latent semantic indexes and synonyms. How do you perform optimally in the update in the Hummingbird Algorithm?

The best tips are you need to do keyword research by focusing on the concept and not on the keyword itself. To be able to improve this research, you can start to use various kinds of software that help find all the related keywords to be included in the keyword tracker module. Thus through this research you can also find searches for synonyms or similar terms.


Next the fourth algorithm is present from Pigeon. Google is starting to be released on July 24, 2014. The main focus itself is to further improve the quality of on page and off stage because of lack of optimization. At Pigeon, the ranking of a website can be determined by the business location and distance from each user. SEO world experts also provide recommendations for tips to be able to optimize the website from Google Pigeon. The following are the details:
  • Make high quality content in your niche
  • Use keywords along with your location
  • Optimize web for mobile devices
  • Develop on-page and off-stage SEO
  • Build links from reputable sources
  • Optimizing algorithms for local search in presenting images, text, videos in content
  • Include contacts that can be contacted on your web page
  • There are reviews and surveys on the website page
  • Structured data leverage on the website page


Mobilegeddon was released on April 21, 2015 with a main focus relating to the accessibility of web pages from various devices, especially mobile. This algorithm serves to ensure that the site pages that are cellular in nature will be in the top position in searches on mobile devices. However, on the contrary web pages that are not optimized by mobile devices, of course, will be ranked below the potentially small ones to be accessed by many users.

If you experience this, the step that needs to be taken is your blog must focus on speed and mobile friendly. Now how to make sure? You just need to use the Google Mobile Friendly Test tool. By using this tool, you will be able to see which aspects of the cellular version you need to improve.


Then the 6th Algorithm is Rankbrain. This algorithm appears and operates on October 26, 2015. The focus is on the lack of supporting features, namely specific queries, poor user experience and little content. If we have discussed the form of the Algorithm previously on Hummingbird, Rankbird is part of the Algorithm. Rankbird is a machine learning system that in fact can help Google to understand the meaning of the search presentation that is most suitable for answering questions by visitors.

In Google's eyes, this one algorithm is called the most important ranking factor. How to get away with this Rankbrain Algorithm? The method is quite simple, you just need to make sure the website that you manage can be displayed or loaded quickly. If the loading is long or slow, visitors may leave the website immediately. This will affect your rank on the Google homepage. So, make sure you choose a hosting whose loading speed is not problematic. In addition, try to focus on creating content that is interesting, quality, informative and readable.


Shortly after the release of Rankbrain, Possum Algorithm was also released in 2016. Precisely starting operations on September 1, 2016. Possum has a focal point on the placement of competitions that are suitable to be adapted to more targeted and specific locations. Thus, the renewal of this Possum will enable local searchers to be varied based on the location of the tracker. If someone is close to a business location, chances are that you will see local results appear on the search homepage.

To better understand this, consider this example, when you type in the search page "Eye Hospital" then, without you having to specify the location you want to go to, the search results that appear will be adjusted to the position of your location. Interesting right? Apart from that this one algorithm can also produce more variations in ranking results for each question that looks very similar.

How do you handle the Possum Algorithm to help you improve your blog? If you have a local business, then try to expand the list for the keywords. Then do rank tracking and add it to a specific location. When compared to the appearance of Possum, the current local business will target more number of keywords in the content.


The last black algorithm is Fred. This algorithm is released and operates on March 8, 2017. This is the latest Algorithm compared to the others. At the time of the renewal of Google Fred many blog publishers commented on the sudden decline of their web pages. Do you know? Fred himself is actually referred to as a small update to Google's algorithm and happens every day. However, starting to operate Fred on March 8 was indeed felt significantly by webmasters. What triggered this Fred Algorithm?

There are a number of things that influence it, including the presence of overly aggressive advertisements, low-value content, and poor user experience. If you already feel the impact, what do you need to do? The tips and solutions are quite simple. You only need to prioritize content and the user experience becomes the most important thing. If the webpage displays an or several ads, make sure that the page first contains quality information and offers relevant content. Next, try to set each of your ads not too much or even don't look like an ad spam page.

The description above is complete information about the 8 latest Algorithms from Google that you must know. To be able to get success must be shared with the efforts of us personally. Whether you are currently working for individuals, groups, organizations or companies related to website builders though, it is important to understand how the process of how SEO works that includes algorithms. Hopefully this information can help in the success of your online business. Hopefully it can be useful and good luck.